Filo diretto S.p.A.
- Client:Filo diretto S.p.A.
- Transaction:
M&A - Date:July 2016
- Sector:
Financial institution
- Mandate:
Advisor to Filo diretto Group in the sale of a majority stake in Filo diretto Assicurazioni, non-life insurance company and leading provider in Italy of assistance services and insurance policies for Car, Travel and Tourism, Health and House and Family.
- Activities performed:
assistance in the research of potential bidders;
assistance in the economic and financial analysis of the operation;
drafting of a Long Teaser;
origination of the transaction and assistance in defining the structure and the terms of transaction;
assistance in the management of due diligence activities;
assistance in the management of relationships with the supervisory authority;
assistance in the negotiations and definition of the agreement with the counterpart;
cooperation with legal consultants in the revision, negotiation and definition of the legal documentation. - Deal value: