Prima Vera S.p.A.
- Client:Prima Vera S.p.A.
- Transaction:
M&A, Capital Market - Date:November 2015
- Sector:
Energy, Utilities and Infrastructure
- Mandate:Advisor to Prima Vera, key operator in Italy for both energy efficiency and services, in the sale of a minority share to GreenItaly, the first listed SPAC dedicated to green economy, and the reverse merger. As result of the business combination, Prima Vera shares will be publicly traded on AIM’s Italia platform.
- Activities performed:
Assistance in the research of potential bidders;
assistance in the economic and financial analyses;
origination of the transaction and assistance in defining the structure and the terms of transaction;
assistance in the management of due diligence activities;
assistance in the negotiations and definition of the agreement with the counterpart;
assistance in the drafting of the information required for the admission to trading on AIM’s Italia platform;
cooperation with legal consultants in the revision, negotiation and definition of the legal documentation. - Deal value:ca. € 100 million