Pitagora 1936 (Azionisti di Pitagora S.p.A.)
- Client:Pitagora 1936 (Azionisti di Pitagora S.p.A.)
- Transaction:
M&A - Date:October 2015
- Sector:
Financial institution
- Mandate:Advisory to Pitagora 1936 S.p.A. – company owned by Wise SGR (52%), Banca Popolare di Milano (24%) and Bonino 1934 (24%) – in the disposal of a 65% controlling stake in Pitagora S.p.A. Pitagora S.p.A. is a consumer credit company, with a leadership position in Italy.
- Activities performed:
Assistance in the analysis of the economic and financial situation of the business;
assistance in in Business Plan preparation and valuation of the Company;
assistance in the research of potential bidders;
drafting of the Information Memorandum;
assistance in the management of due diligence activities;
assistance in the negotiations with potential buyers and definition of the agreement with the buyer;
coordination of the activities of the other consultants involved in the transaction. - Deal value:€ 35.5 million