Finmeccanica S.p.A.
- Client:Finmeccanica S.p.A.
- Transaction:
M&A - Date:December 2001
- Sector:
- Mandate:
Advisory to Finmeccanica SpA in the reorganization of the structure and the shareholders’ agreements of the holding company controlling STMicroelectronics, an Italian-French group among the world leaders in the microchips sector.
- Activities performed:
Analysis of the existing corporate/partnership structure and possible ways of introducing flexibility criteria into the governance of the shareholding held by Italian-French shareholders in STM, in accordance with the alliance’s logic of equilibrium;
redefinition of the structure of the controlling holdings of STM, also through the introduction of mechanisms for tracking stocks, and complete rewriting of the shareholders’ agreements between Finmeccanica, France Telecom and Areva with the introduction of criteria for unilateral liquidation of STM shares shared ex ante;
assistance in negotiations with counterparties to new agreements. - Value of the transaction:
€ 7,000 million