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Antin e Lyntia Networks SA

  • Client:
    Antin e Lyntia Networks SA
  • Transaction:
  • Date:
    December 2019
  • Sector:
    Media and Technology

Antin e Lyntia Networks SA

  • Deal description:

    Lyntia Networks SA, controlled by  Antin Infrastructure Partners fund, has purchased the fiber optic assets held in Spain from  the energy company Endesa.

    Endesa, leading company in the Spanish electricity sector, has reached an agreement to transfer the rights to use its excess dark fibre network in Spain to wholesale fibre platform Lyntia for a consideration of approximately € 130m.

    The agreement will allow Lyntia to inherit the portfolio of contracts with fiber optic clients and to further expand its fiber lines by taking advantage of Endesa electric infrastructure.

    With this operation, Lyntia comes to hold 41,000 Km of optical fiber, strengthening its presence in the Iberian peninsula as a wholesaler of fiber services.

    Vitale acted as a buy side advisor supporting the Antin fund and Lyntia Networks in managing the negotiations with the counterparty.

  • Deal value:


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