Alicros S.p.A.
- Client:Alicros S.p.A.
- Transaction:
M&A - Date:November 2006
- Sector:
Financial institution, Consumer and Retail
- Mandate:Advisory to Alicros SpA for the acquisition of a controlling stake in Ercom SpA, a company specialised in the production and marketing of tea preparations, chocolates and other beverages, owner of the brands Eraclea, Antica Cioccolateria and Whittington.
- Activities performed:
Assistance in the analysis of the economic and financial situation of the business;
assistance in the due diligence activity;
assistance in the drafting of documents to support the Board of Directors’ resolutions;
assistance in the negotiation of the terms and conditions of the financing granted by selected financial institutions;
assistance in the negotiations and definition of the agreement with the counterparts;
coordination of the activities of the other consultants involved in the transaction. - Deal value: